We monitor both the current context in which multilingual literacy programs take place, and the progress that communities make toward their educational goals.
Professional Development Systems
In partnership with SIL International, we have been challenged by the need for a systematic process for tracking the skills, aptitudes and experiences of literacy workers across a number of partner organizations. The goal of this endeavor is 1) to encourage an on-going attitude of skills development among workers, and 2) to properly assess needs and opportunities so that partners may effectively mobilize resources to the vast needs we see on an un-even educational landscape where not all children have equal access to quality learning opportunities.
Curriculum Management Software
We have also partnered with a private software company to improve existing solutions to the challenge of literacy material development in local languages. SIL has developed an award winning software program called “Bloom”, and we have been working to create utilities and content management apps to both streamline the production process and enable a higher level of quality checking on the final product.